I fell asleep in 9.30pm...
Just woke up in 12 something...
So, now I can't sleep...
I read what u wrote...
Finally, I know what I meant to you...
Nothing ? Or maybe just a toy when u get bored...
I realised that how stupid I am...
Is ok...
At least I know you now, a little bit late...
But now, I know what Im gonna do...
Thanks for the inspiration...
I should be happy...
Is not the end of the world ^^
Everything will be fine...
Suddenly, what Dickson said before appears on my mind...
"I'll never fall for you again, I swear !"
Totally agree now...
Is time to forget all of my sorrows...
Good Night everyone...
感恩日記 - Day 1
5 years ago
True, its not the end of the world.
dun said urself as a toy!!! my toy is important for me...
Coz u pay for ur fucking transformer models... So , it is important for u... Lol
don't compare yourself with my transformers...i have 感情 with them...
Hmm, so u means u dun hv 感情with me lar? = =
aiyo~~hamik shu??
wa boh shu lar.. haha
thank you..
hahaha..i hope tat i can same with you~~don fall in love with him again!!!but i no dare to swear~~-.-
u lose to all of my transformers...wakaka
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