Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Smiley Mask

I hate the time when I was pretending I'm alright but I feel sucks instead. Just try not to make others around me feel uncomfortable.
And I'll still do it all the time.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chasing Mavericks


 從小主角Jay對海浪就有種莫名的瞳景。一次意外被(Gerard Butler)飾演的鄰居Frosty救起來,就開始崇拜這位經驗豐富的衝浪者。Jay開始學習衝浪,幾年之後變成青少年的他,已經算是同齡群裡衝浪最好的一位。一次他尾隨Frosty,發現了難得的巨浪。Jay決定要去征服這道巨浪。爲了讓Jay可以存活下來,Frosty決定訓練他。短短的12星期後,終於到了驗收他努力的成果...

Quotes from the movie:
Jay: Have you ever felt like you were meant for something more? Something bigger than you?

Jay: I want to ride that wave.
Frosty: Untrained boys don't step into the ring against Mike Tyson.

Frosty: What's going on inside of you, Jay? What are you afraid of? You've got a chance to change everything. Take it. This is about more than just surfing. This is about choices you make in life. This is about finding that one thing that sets you free. You need to believe in yourself or none of this matters.

Kim: Jay, why are you doing this?
Jay: Cause I'll know that I am alive.